Health and Wellness Retreats

Health and Wellness Retreats

Health and Wellbeing Retreats

Take a break from the day- to- day and explore new ways of being. Check out our health retreats available.

Details of our health and wellness retreats for 2024 will be added here. However, please feel free to review some of our previous retreats or contact me.


Health and Wellness Retreats

Evienutrition supported Somerset Detox Retreat

The Amchara Somerset detox health retreat provides a personalised health experience for anyone who wishes to improve their physical health. As well as, their emotional well-being and the lifestyle.

Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to continue your health-inspired journey with me. My clients benefit from a follow up consultation to help them with their specific health goals.


Yoga Retreat in France with Nutritional Therapy on tap!

Providing you the chance to find space and to reset. This weekend get-away of Yoga, Mindfulness, Nutrition and Relaxation in a beautiful setting in Northern France. I will be on hand for Nutritional counselling. Therefore, you will return to the UK with a tailored plan to help with your specific health goals.

Gonzo Health Retreat

Evienutrition supported Gozo Detox Retreat

The Amchara Malta detox Health retreat is a personalised health experience in the sun. It is for anyone who wishes to improve their physical health, emotional well-being and the lifestyle.

Moreover, the health and wellness retreats provide support in a positive and sustainable way. Additionally, my client benefit from the opportunity of futher support and guidance. Such as, a tailored programme to follow or becoming part of my VIP Nutrition Group.